
Dr. Shih-Li Su

Attending Physician, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Changhua Christian Hospital

Speaker's Biography

Dr. Shih-Li SU is the attending physician of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH). He is also a qualified diabetes educator. Dr. Su's main clinical and academic interests include diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and osteoporosis. His research topics have been published in leading journals, such as Scientific Reports, Primary Care Diabetes, and the Formosan Medical Association Journal.

Dr. Su is dedicated to voluntary works and an experienced medical volunteer who joined Thailand, Mongolia, and Papua New Guinea (twice, in 2016 and 2018) CCH medical team.


Framework for Diabetes Monitoring and Surveillance in Taiwan and Strategy under the COVID-19 Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused hundreds of millions of people to be infected and millions of deaths worldwide. Diabetes patients are one of the susceptible groups of COVID-19, while poor glycemic control can cause related complications and even death easily. Some COVIDs therapeutic drugs will induce hyperglycemia and make clinical treatment more difficult. Diabetes societies in various countries have published guidelines for diabetes treatment in pandemics to help physicians effectively improve patients' outcomes. Taiwan Diabetes Association also published similar quotes. In this talk, I will brief this guideline and share the Changhua Christian Hospital cases. From interaction with medical staff from PNG to exchange opinions and knowledge and facilitate clinical physicians' therapeutic confidences.

Slide and Additional Information

Link: https://reurl.cc/kZ7RWr

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